Sentient labs (DAO)

Sentient Chain is governed by the community and maintained by Sentient Labs, a decentralized autonomous research foundation. Staking $PROMPT earns you governance rights to vote on proposals and influence the direction of the protocol.


Of the community, by the community


Staking $PROMPT tokens on the Sentient Chain platform provides a lucrative opportunity for token holders and grants them significant governance rights within the ecosystem. As the native token of Sentient Chain, $PROMPT is the backbone for decentralized decision-making. By staking $PROMPT, users gain the power to vote on proposals and actively shape the future direction of the protocol. This governance mechanism ensures that the community plays a pivotal role in determining the platform's trajectory, fostering a truly decentralized and democratic ecosystem.


One of the key aspects of staking $PROMPT tokens is the ability to influence critical decisions that impact the Sentient Chain protocol. Whether it's proposing changes to the underlying technology, adjusting parameters for network functionality, or deciding on strategic partnerships, stakers have a direct say in shaping the platform's evolution. This democratic process goes beyond mere financial incentives; it embodies a commitment to the long-term success and sustainability of the Sentient Chain network. By incentivizing active engagement and rewarding meaningful contributions, Sentient Chain empowers its community to drive innovation and ensure that the platform remains responsive to the evolving needs of its users.


Here are some examples in the realm of strategic partnerships, for example: Suppose Sentient Chain receives proposals from reputable projects seeking collaboration to expand the platform's utility. Stakers holding $PROMPT tokens could analyze these partnership proposals, considering factors such as technological synergies, market potential, and alignment with the platform's values. They might deliberate on whether to forge alliances with projects specializing in identity verification technologies, thereby enhancing Sentient Chain's capabilities in validating proof of personhood. By casting their votes in favor of such partnerships, stakers actively contribute to the platform's growth and establish valuable connections within the broader blockchain ecosystem.

Furthermore, imagine a situation where the Sentient Chain community deliberates on protocol upgrades to improve scalability and user experience. Stakers participate in discussions surrounding proposed solutions such as layer-three subnet solutions or optimization techniques for transaction throughput (TPS). Through governance voting mechanisms, they could signal their preferences for specific upgrade paths, guiding the development team's priorities and resource allocation. By actively engaging in these governance processes, stakers play a crucial role in steering Sentient Chain towards greater efficiency and scalability, ensuring that the platform remains competitive and adaptable in the ever-evolving landscape of decentralized finance.



Our current proposed direction for the protocol consists of three R&D sub-sectors spanning game development, chain improvements, and advanced use cases for our whitelist of humans' wallets.


Game development: adding additional game modes for massive-team and PvPvP battle royales, small team battles, arena-based combat, and fun prize-earning skirmishes. Adding more vehicles, expanding the map, adding weapons, and special player abilities. Finally, we are working hard to quickly add AI-generated skins, where each player can choose their own avatar and have it auto-generated for them (think: play as Pikachu, or the Chainlink Blue Flannel outfit lmao).


Chain improvements: Through dedicated research and development, we aim to strengthen the core technology, prioritizing scalability, security, and efficiency. Our efforts include optimizing transaction throughput, reducing latency, and exploring innovative consensus mechanisms for subnets dedicated to specific data-collection clients such as Bored AGI Bot Club or any new games that join the network and provide in-game user activity data.


Whitelist delivery: looking to add support for delivery of our whitelist to more chains where airdrops commonly occur, such as Avalance/Beam, zkSync, Arbitrum, Base, Solana, ImmutableX, Optimism, etc.