SENTIENT CHAIN is not just a Layer-2 blockchain to secure whitelists of humans and their wallets... but also a foundation for in-game economies around generative content.


layer-2 for unique humans


The Sentient Chain Layer-2 operates alongside ETH mainnet to improve scalability and transaction throughput. We are utilizing techniques such as state channels to conduct a high volume of transactions without burdening the main blockchain, significantly reducing costs and latency. This approach ensures that Sentient Chain remains capable of supporting a diverse range of decentralized applications (dApps) and use cases, catering to the growing demands of the ecosystem while maintaining the integrity and security of the underlying blockchain.


Ensuring the secure storage and ZK-proven delivery of unique human wallet metadata: Through a combination of zero knowledge cryptographic techniques and decentralized identifiers (DIDs), we safeguard personal data on the blockchain while preserving user privacy and anonymity. Each human wallet is associated with a unique DID, which serves as a cryptographic identifier, allowing users to control access to their information securely. This approach not only mitigates the risk of data breaches but also enables seamless interoperability with other blockchain networks. For instance, when a user interacts with a decentralized application on Sentient Chain that requires proof of personhood, their DID-linked wallet information can be securely transmitted to other chains (i.e. to smart contracts facilitating an airdrop to real humans), enabling cross-chain functionality without compromising privacy or security.


Proof of Personhood: consider a scenario where a user wants to participate in a decentralized social application on a different blockchain that requires proof of personhood (meaning, it needs real humans to content). Through Sentient Chain's interoperability features, the user's DID-linked wallet information can be securely transmitted to contracts on the target blockchainThis process ensures that user data remains protected and confidential throughout the transaction.


AI-gen content

NFTs are the tip of the iceberg. As more and more of the internet's content becomes synthetic (AI-generated), a secure, powerful solution is needed specifically for proving provenance of authentic content from humans, and AI-generated content prompted by humans (and subsequently, owned/custodied by humans' wallets).


Provenance of human-originated content: Proving that a piece of content was created by a human and not a machine involves leveraging digital watermarking and cryptographic signatures to embed unique, verifiable markers into content at the time of creation, indicating human authorship. Layer-2 blockchain technology provides an immutable record of the content's origin, including the creator's identity and the creation date, ensuring traceability and authenticity. Behavioral analytics, examining the creation process, such as keystroke patterns and interaction behaviors, can further distinguish between human and automated actions... ultimately offering a robust framework for certifying human authorship, ensuring the integrity of content in the age of AGI.


Self-custody of generated content: Ownership and self-custody of content on the web, such as skins or avatars, regardless of whether it is AI-generated or human-created, revolves around the principle that individuals retain control over the content they prompt or produce. It underscores the necessity for robust digital rights management systems and legal frameworks that protect these rights across platforms, ensuring creators can assert ownership, prevent unauthorized use, and receive appropriate attribution or compensation. This approach fosters a digital environment where creativity is valued, and the rights of individuals to their digital creations are unequivocally recognized and safeguarded.


Provenance ensures that creators receive rightful recognition and compensation for their work, helps in upholding copyright laws, and protects against the spread of misinformation. For consumers and users, it provides a layer of transparency and accountability, enabling informed decisions about the content they consume and share. As we navigate the complexities of a world where digital content proliferates, establishing clear, reliable proof of origin becomes essential in preserving the value of human creativity and ensuring the ethical use of AI technologies.